Renegades Trailer Now Online!

Our good friends over at Shogun Films, give us our first full look at their latest action film Renegades, distributed by Saban Films. You can watch the trailer above and get hyped for the film which is releasing in the US this December.

Review: Ambulance

“Michael Bay just can’t stop Micheal Bay-ing the living hell out of proceedings”Read the Screen One review of Ambulance here

#AmbulanceMovie #MichaelBay #JakeGyllenhaal #Action #Explosions #Bayhem

Review: Spiritwalker

“Spiritwalker is yet another classy action thriller with a side order of mystery from Korean cinema that will enthrall you until the final frame.” Read the Screen One review of Spiritwalker here

#Spiritwalker #JiYeonLim #YoonKyeSang @cineasiauk @warrioragency