So without further ado here is todays selecetion, we provide you the film, trailer, synopsis and a link to where you can watch the movie. Have fun preparing for the Screen One month of Movie Musicals!
The Jazz SInger Dir: Richard Fleischer Stream: Not currently available on streaming platforms
Yussel Rabinovitch decides to pursue his love for music and become a singer. However, his father wants him to become a Jewish cantor instead.
Release date: 29 January 1981 (UK)

A brilliant film mostly overlooked. No matter what you think of his acting skills, Neil Diamond is a legend when it comes to performing. The songs alone “America” “Hello Again” “Love on the Rocks” are all absolute timeless classics. The hardest thing to do is find a copy of it to watch. It’s even scarce on physical media these days.
Check out the previous Screen One Movie Musicals days
Day One | Day Two | Day Three | Day Four | Day Five | Day Six | Day Seven
Day Eight | Day Nine | Day Ten | Day Eleven | Day Twelve | Day Thirteen | Day Fourteen
Day Fifteen | Day Sixteen | Day Seventeen | Day Eighteen | Day Nineteen | Day Twenty | Day Twenty One
Day Twenty Two | Day Twenty Three | Day Twenty Four | Day Twenty Five | Day Twenty Six