One of the absolute highlights of this years London Film Festival was Chloé Zhao’s Nomadland, starring Frances McDormand in a absolute career performance (Throughout a career of career perfromances) as Fern, who turns her back on society and heads off into the sunset to live the nomadic lifestyle. The film is an absolultely beautiful movie backed by a Ludovico Einaudi incredible soundtrack. You can watch the brand new trailer above, the Screen One review of Nomadland will be online in the new year and you can watch the film when it’s released in UK cinemas from 19th Feb 2021.
Following the economic collapse of a company town in rural Nevada, Fern (Frances McDormand) packs her van and sets off on the road exploring a life outside of conventional society as a modern-day nomad. The third feature film from director Chloé Zhao, NOMADLAND features real nomads Linda May, Swankie and Bob Wells as Fern’s mentors and comrades in her exploration through the vast landscape of the American West.

NOMADLAND released in UK cinemas from 19th Feb 2021