Eurotrash is back! Let two delightful, devil-may-care Frenchmen take you firmly by the hand and lead you into a surreal world of weird wonders, celebrity interviews, sexy supermodels – and more smut than you can shake a stick at!

Hosted by everyone’s favourite Gallic charmers, Antoine de Caunes and Jean-Paul Gaultier, Eurotrash reigned supreme for over a decade and still sends a shiver down the spines of prudes and people of a nervous disposition to this day! If you can imagine it then it’s almost certainly been covered here by our two chums from across the channel! Naked golf, rubber fetish weekends, pubic coiffeurs, the world’s only brothel-tester, a man who convinced the world that cats can paint, a (quite different) man who can slip into forty consecutive pairs of underpants without stopping and Poland’s erotic version of Jeremy Clarkson, and plenty of familiar faces including Graham Norton, Eddie Izzard, Julian Clary, Melinda Messenger, Naomi Campbell, David Hasselhoff, Kylie Minogue, Bjork and Lolo Ferrari to name a few.
A TV phenomenon for over a decade with its uncompromising cultural commentary and quirky magazine format, Eurotrash was the enfant terrible of 90s telly that pulled in millions of viewers each week, and will be remembered with fondness and horror by young and old alike.

Network presents Eurotrash on DVD and digital 26 September 2022