Cryptids Now On Blu-ray from Scream Team Releasing

Cryptids poster on Screen One

Cryptids sees Major Harlan Dean (Joe Bob Briggs-‘Shudder’s The Last Drive-In’ and ‘TNT’sMonsterVision’) is the host of the widely popular radio show “The TruthSerum”, a platform which he discusses all things weird, unknown, andsometimes scary. On tonight’s broadcast, Harlan tackles the topic of Cryptozoology to coincide with the annual Mothman Festivalin PointPleasant, West Virginia. However, with each caller, something more sinisterappears to be waiting in the shadows and this could end up being Harlan’svery last broadcast.

A must watch anthology jam packed with practical creature feature effects andstories that are reminiscent of 90s’ TV shows ‘Monsters‘, ‘Tales from theCrypt’, and ‘Tales from the Darkside’. Featuring segments written and directedby the creators ofForce to Fear(Zane Hershberger and Robert Kuhn),TheDooms Chapel Horror(John William Holt),BoneJangles(Brett DeJager),TheCircus of the Dead(Billy Pon),Bong of the Living Dead(Max Groah) andTheBarn Part 1 & II(Justin M. Seaman).Produced by Silver Springs Films,Nevermore Production Films, Lustenberger Films and Producer P.J. Starks(13 Slays till X-mas, New Fear’s Eve)

– Audio Commentary with Directors Zane Hershberger, Justin M. Seaman, Robert Kuhn,John Holt, Brett DeJager, Billy Pon and Max Groah.

– Making of Featurette
– Deleted and Extended Scenes
– Bloopers
– Trailer
Number of Discs: 1
English Captions
Single Layer Blu-ray Disc (25GB)
Region Free (Factory Replicated/NOT BD-R)
Not Rated/Color/16:9 Widescreen/80 Min 

Cryptids poster on Screen One

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