Christmas Movie Countdown Day 6

Christmas Movie Countdown Day 6 on Screen One

Welcome to December, A chill is in the air and Christmas is looming. And to celebrate the 24 day countdown to Christmas, we present you the Christmas Movie Countdown! All the films you can watch on UK streaming platforms as you count down the days to the arrival of the big day on the 25th. Enjoy.

Christmas Movie Countdown Day 6 on Screen One
Christmas Movie Countdown Day 7

All the films selected are from the Christmas movie genre. They might might be family comedies, classics, animation or a straight up feel-good movie, but be assured they are all Christmas movies for you. We will present one a day, some maybe more obvious enteries than others, but we hope that you enjoy them all.

Why not watch along with us each day for the 24 days and let us know what you think of the daily choices via our social community? You can follow, like, share and comment via the buttons below.

So without further ado here is todays selection, we provide you the film, trailer, synopsis and a link to where you can watch the movie. Have fun preparing for the Christmas season with Screen One!

The Santa Clause (1994) Dir. John Pasquin Stream: DISNEY+

The Santa Clause trailer

By helping Santa Claus with a Christmas crisis, Scott unknowingly agrees to become the next Santa Claus. Now, he has to deal with a suspicious former wife while trying to keep his secret safe.

Now if you’re in need of a bit of kick start to feeling somewhat Christmassy, then this traditonal Disney Christmas adventurer movie really hits the spot. Tim Allen plays the put upon dad beautifully here and this was a big year for him as a couple of months before this movie came out, Tim Allen was featured in a minor indie hit for Disney a little film you may or may not heard of called Toy Story.

Anyway, get your hot chocolate on with a few marshmallows and sit back and enjoy todays Screen One Christmas Movie Countdown pick The Santa Clause.

The Santa Clause movie poster Christmas Movie Countdown on Screen One

If you’re behind on the countdown you can catch up via the links below. Enjoy.

Screen One Christmas Movie Countdown

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

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