Welcome to December, A chill is in the air and Christmas is looming. And to celebrate the 24 day countdown to Christmas, we present you the Christmas Movie Countdown! All the films you can watch on UK streaming platforms as you count down the days to the arrival of the big day on the 25th. Enjoy.

All the films selected are from the Christmas movie genre. They might might be family comedies, classics, animation or a straight up feel-good movie, but be assured they are all Christmas movies for you. We will present one a day, some maybe more obvious enteries than others, but we hope that you enjoy them all.
Why not watch along with us each day for the 24 days and let us know what you think of the daily choices via our social community? You can follow, like, share and comment via the buttons below.
So without further ado here is todays selection, we provide you the film, trailer, synopsis and a link to where you can watch the movie. Have fun preparing for the Christmas season with Screen One!
It’s down to the last two as we reach day 23 of our very own special Christmas Movie Advent Calendar, the Screen One Christmas Movie Countdown. Join with us as we continue to countdown to Christmas with a new movie to watch each day as the days get ever closer to the big day. All films are availble via various streaming and terrestrial TV services.
It’s A Wonderful Life (1946) Dir. Frank Capra Stream: PRIME, PLEX, Channel 4
George Bailey has so many problems he is thinking about ending it all – and it’s Christmas! As the angels discuss George, we see his life in flashback. As George is about to jump from a bridge, he ends up rescuing his guardian angel, Clarence – who then shows George what his town would have looked like if it hadn’t been for all his good deeds over the years.
It’s A Wonderful Life is not only one of the best Christmas movies ever made, but one of the all time best ever movies ever made. This is THE Christmas film that will fill you with festive spirit and make you feel good about yourself and the season again. An age old classic that simply demands to be watched. One of James Stewart’s finest roles and Frank Capra’s best, just pure joy. So enjoy this one and join us tomorrow for the final movie movie in the Screen One Christmas Movie Countdown. Can you guess what it is?

If you’re behind on the countdown you can catch up via the links below the poster. Enjoy.
Screen One Christmas Movie Countdown
Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10
Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15