In this exhilarating martial arts adventure, an evil witch named Yurei, whose ancestor was slain by one of the legendary 47 Ronin, has surfaced in modern day Budapest determined to have his revenge.
Yurei seeks to completely destroy all samurai by uniting both halves of the powerful Tengu Sword. A prophecy claims only a descendant of the original 47 Ronin can wield the blade and defeat this great evil. The samurai are shocked when Lord Shinshiro identifies a streetwise New Yorker named Luna as the one who was prophesied. He charges ronin Reo and apprentice Onami with training Luna to be the hero they desperately need. With most of the samurai lords dead or missing, and a traitor hiding among them, the remaining warriors must summon all of their skills as martial arts masters to combat Yurei’s mystic magic and fulfil their destiny.
Featuring rising star Anna Akana (Ant-Man), Mark Dacascos (John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum), Chris Pang (Crazy Rich Asians) and Mike Moh (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood), this fight-filled extravaganza is directed by actor and stunt veteran Ron Yuan (Mulan).
Dazzler Media presents Blade of the 47 Ronin on Blu-ray and DVD from 24th April
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