Arthouse Drama, “Death” Streaming on VOD Platforms

Anmol Mishra’s arthouse drama, DEATH is now streaming on VOD Platforms include Apple TV, Google, and Gumroad. 

The film features Marigold Pazar as Sabrina, David Hecimovic as Romeo, Lauren Johnson as Wendy, Oliver James Damian as Mazza and Music Composed by Oleg Somov.

This surreal arthouse drama depicts the last memories of Sabrina (played by Marigold Pazar). Her friends (Wendy – played by Lauren Johnson and Mazza – played by Oliver James Damian) and lover (Romeo – played by David Hecimovic) are a part of her life.

Things soon get a little… unnerving. It might take more than one watch to fully grasp all the twists and turns of this psychological horror, which blends dreams, reality, fantasy and deception into a lynchian mesh. 

Apple TV –
Google Movies –
Patreon –
Gumroad –

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