Welcome to October, the spookiest month of the year. And to celebrate the 31 day countdown to Halloween, we present you the 31 days Of Horror Streaming! All the films you can watch on UK streaming platforms as you count down the days to scariest day of the year!
All the films selected are from the horror genre. They might might be creature features, classics, comedy horror or a straight up gore fest, but be assured they are all Horror movies for you. We will present one a day, some maybe more obvious enteries than others, but we hope that you enjoy them all.
Why not watch along with us each day for the 31 days and let us know what you think of the daily choices via our social community? You can follow, like, share and comment via the buttons below.
So without further ado here is todays selecetion, we provide you the film, trailer, synopsis and a link to where you can watch the movie. Have fun and don’t get too scared!
The Hills Have Eyes (1977) Dir. Wes Craven Stream: ARROW
On the way to California, a family has the misfortune to have their car break down in an area closed to the public, and inhabited by violent savages ready to attack.
Released 22nd July 1977
Following up from his shocking Last House On The Left. Wes Craven decided to take his next offering into the desert roads with a family getting lst and breaking down only to be attacked by hill dwelling cannibal family. Agin for it’s time it was pretty terrifying. It may seem tame by today’s standards, but it still manages to pack somewhat of a punch. Creepy, violent and animalistic, The Hills Have Eyes had a equally disturbing sequel (Part 2) and then got a hollywood remake in the 2000’s which weren’t anywhere near as creative as this one.
Join us again tomorrow for the next movie in our 31 days of horror streaming and get links to all the films Here