31 Days Of Horror Steraming – Day Ten

31 days of Horror Streaming Day Ten on Screen One

Welcome to October, the spookiest month of the year. And to celebrate the 31 day countdown to Halloween, we present you the 31 days Of Horror Streaming! All the films you can watch on UK streaming platforms as you count down the days to scariest day of the year!

31 days of Horror Streaming Day Ten on Screen One
31 Days Of Horror Streaming – Day Ten

All the films selected are from the horror genre. They might might be creature features, classics, comedy horror or a straight up gore fest, but be assured they are all Horror movies for you. We will present one a day, some maybe more obvious enteries than others, but we hope that you enjoy them all.

Why not watch along with us each day for the 31 days and let us know what you think of the daily choices via our social community? You can follow, like, share and comment via the buttons below.

So without further ado here is todays selecetion, we provide you the film, trailer, synopsis and a link to where you can watch the movie. Have fun and don’t get too scared!

Child’s Play(1998) Dir. Tom Holland, Stream: FREEVEE (Prime)

Child’s Play (1998) trailer

A single mother gives her son a beloved doll for his birthday, only to discover that it is possessed by the soul of a serial killer.

Released 2nd June 1998

31 Days of Horror - Day Ten. Child's Play original movie poster on Screen One

One of the iconic screen terrors today in the shape of Chucky the knife weilding, muderous doll that captured the imaginations of many horror goes from the late 90’s until present. But this is the beginning of the Chucky dynasty that saw, multiple sequels, a modern reboot, a documentary and a TV series. Brad Dourif voiced the homicidal doll and the spirit that possess it Charles Lee Ray. Some of the sequels became notorious due to links to one of the worst crimes ever committed in the UK and calls for them to be banned. However, Chucky still to this day reigns as one of Horror-lands most iconic killers. So time to settle down and decide if he will be your best friend or not tonight…

Join us again tomorrow for the next movie in our 31 days of horror streaming and get links to all the films Here



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